Work Triceps before Biceps if done on the same day
Mostly Type II (fast twitch) so go heavy or go home
The heads work together so you don’t necessarily isolate them but you can place more stress on them
- Boney Anatomy
- Humerus = upper arm
- Radius and Ulna = Forearm
- Muscle Anatomy
- Triceps Long Head
i.Origin: Scapula
ii.Insertion: Converges with the medial and lateral head to attach to the olecranon process
- Triceps Medial Head
i.Origin: posterior humerus
ii.Insertion: Olecranon Process of Ulna
- Triceps Lateral Head
i.Origin: posterior humerus
ii.Insertion: Olecranon Process of Ulna
- Positional Changes
- Long Head (Upper Inside)
i.Arms Overhead or in Front of the Body (Overhead Extensions, French Press, Close Grip Bench Press, and Skull Crushers)
- Medial Head (Lower Inside)
i.Arms at side Palms Up (Cable Extensions)
ii.Also part of full extension on all exercises so squeezing out any exercise slams the medial head
- Lateral Head (Outside)
i.Arms at side Palms down and Neutral (Press Downs) and Overhand (Dips)
- Routine
- Train the Long Head first à then the Medial head à then the Lateral head
- Close Grip Bench, Skull Crushers, Dumbbell Overhead Extensions, Cable Extension Palm Up, Cable Extension Palm Down, Max out Dips