- The energy your body needs to burn to stay alive
- Catabolism: break down food / nutrients into its components
- Anabolism: Rebuild itself
- RMR: Resting Metabolic Rate (60 – 75% of metabolism)
- How much energy you burn to stay alive (heart, lungs, muscles, etc)
- Most important
- Lowered during quick weight loss plans
- Varies with age, gender, fitness level, race, body composition, fitness level (most important)
- Women, African Americans, and older people have smaller organs which slows their metabolism
- Organs require energy
- Muscles (7 cal / lb / day), Heart and kidneys (200 cal / lb / day), brain (109 cal / lb day)
- Organs = 60 – 70% of RMR
- Muscles = 20 – 30% of RMR
- Muscles (7 cal / lb / day), Heart and kidneys (200 cal / lb / day), brain (109 cal / lb day)
- AMR: Active Metabolic Rate (15 – 30% of metabolism)
- How much energy is needed to perform activities for a specific day
- When you exercise you actually breakdown muscle tissue. Its then rebuilt and with proper nutrition is rebuilt stronger.
- Requires lots of energy
- When you exercise you actually breakdown muscle tissue. Its then rebuilt and with proper nutrition is rebuilt stronger.
- EPOC: How much energy is needed to recover from activity
- Excess Post Exercise Oxygen Consumption
- Higher with duration and exponentially increases with intensity
- Low Intensity (Aerobic)
- Exercise burns most calories but EPOC is low
- High Intensity (Anaerobic: Weights, Springs)
- Exercise burns less calories but EPOC is high
- How much energy is needed to perform activities for a specific day
- Diet Induced Metabolism (10%)
- Energy needed to breakdown foods you eat
- Protein requires more energy to digest than Carbohydrates then Fats
- 6 small meals or 3 large meals?
- Studies show 6 small meals keep your metabolism running all day but studies also show your metabolism is raised proportionately to the size of the meal eaten.
- Long Term Chronic Caloric Restriction causes a slowdown and Proper Caloric Digestion keeps it going
- NEAT: Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis
- Energy needed for non-exercise activities
- Cooking, Fidgeting, Meetings, Scratching a mosquito bite, walking, fixing a cold cup of water, pre paring for a work out, etc
- It’s FREE and the cumulative affect can add up
- Find a spot 2 ½ minutes away from your desk. Every hour walk there and back. That’s an extra 3 hours each week of walker, including the air squats to stand up and sit down