Side Stretch

Step 1—sitting with proper posture and relaxed shoulders, gently tilt your head towards either one of your shoulders until you feel a slight stretch.
Step 2—hold the stretch for 10 seconds.
Step 3—Repeat steps 1 and 2 three times on both sides of your

Flexion Stretch

Step 1—Sitting with proper posture and relaxed shoulders gently tilt your head forward, looking down, until you feel a slight stretch.
Step 2—Hold this stretch for 10 seconds.
Step 3—Repeat steps 1 and 2 three times

Extension Stretch

Step 1—Sitting with proper posture and relaxed shoulders gently tilt your head backwards, looking up, until you feel a slight stretch.
Step 2—Hold this stretch for 10 seconds.
Step 3—Repeat steps 1 and 2 three times.

Anterior Scalene Stretch

Step 1—Sitting with proper posture and relaxed shoulders rotate your head to one side and tuck your chin into the same shoulder you leaned your head to.
Step 2—Hold this stretch for 10 seconds.
Steps 3—Repeat steps 1 and 2 three times.

Levator Scapula Stretch

Step 1—Sitting with proper posture and relaxed shoulders slowly bend your head sideways so your ear moves toward your shoulder.
Step 2—Then gently tilt your head back toward the same shoulder you leaned your ear toward.
Steps 3—hold this stretch for 10 seconds.
Step 4—Repeat steps 1-3 three times.